Fundraising and grant writing do not exist in a vacuum and cannot be done without real, personal connections. Growing your network and building these personal connections is an effective way to increase your fundraising capacity and further the mission…
As Catholics, we are called to express our faith in all that we do. Integrating faith into professional work is what initially attracts fundraising professionals to the nonprofit sector, but it can be easy to lose that initial spark….
Creating a fundraising plan for your Catholic nonprofit organization is an important step towards achieving fundraising success. But it can also be a difficult task. How do you set your fundraising goals in a way that is achievable and…
Volunteers are essential for the work of many Catholic nonprofit organizations. Oftentimes, though, organizations hesitate to incorporate volunteers into their fundraising strategy. How can your organization involve volunteers in your fundraising efforts in a way that benefits your organization…
Once your Catholic organization has initiated relationships with foundations or individual major donors, the work of cultivating those relationships begins! How can your organization maintain these relationships that can be so beneficial to both your organization and the funder?…
You’ve identified potential donors and have a solid case for support to communicate your organization’s mission, vision, and goals. You are ready to meet with them and find success fundraising. Making the “ask” is one of the most intimidating…
Does your Catholic organization need a case for support? Our step-by-step guide shows how to write a case statement to optimize your fundraising efforts….
Are you seeking to obtain a grant from a Catholic foundation? Our step-by-step guide shows how to craft an effective letter to help you secure your grant. …
How can faith-based organizations prepare for an unknown future? Dr. David King from the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving offers some thoughts for reflection. …
The latest Giving USA report sheds light on America’s generosity during the dark days of 2020. What does this mean for Catholic fundraisers? …

Catholic Fundraising Made Simple

If you are fundraising for a Catholic organization, the Catholic Funding Guide is here to help. Explore our fundraising blog articles, covering topics such as finding funding for your nonprofit, managing fundraising campaigns, strengthening donor relations and more. Whether you’re new to fundraising or a seasoned development professional, the Catholic Funding Guide can help you achieve your goals and further your mission.

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