For Donor Advised Fund Holders

Tools for Strategic Philanthropy
at Your Fingertips

As the holder of a Donor Advised Fund, you’re committed to doing good, and want to maximize the impact you make on missions you care about. By connecting you with mission-aligned causes and philanthropic peers, the Catholic Funding Guide can help you give strategically and effectively. Find your next project to fund, grow your professional network, maximize your impact, and give strategically, all with one subscription.

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Amplify Your

For a DAF holder who wants to give in a way that makes the most impact, it’s not always easy to find the right project in your community or interest area. That’s where the Catholic Funding Guide comes in. Through our innovative platform, Amplify, you can search specific projects in need of funding.

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Uncover New Opportunities
to Collaborate

The Catholic Funding Guide’s database contains more than 1,800 funders who support Catholic organizations. This searchable database provides contact information for funders who aren’t easily accessible otherwise, uncovering opportunities for new partnerships and joint funding ventures.

Review Funder Information:

Learn Philanthropy Best Practices

Visit our Knowledge Center blog to can stay up to date on philanthropic trends, learn best practices, and gain insights for how to give more effectively.

Explore Exclusive

With a paid subscription to the Guide, you will have exclusive access to the latest data and insights in the Catholic giving sector, including the most recent trends. This can inform your decisions so you can grow your impact and achieve your long-term philanthropic goals.

“The Catholic Funding Guide is a wonderful resource. We use it for our grantees and applicants to get access to more funders, and then we also encourage our applicants to use the Amplify section to post their projects so that other funders know about them.”

Theresa Robinson
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities

Catholic Funding Guide | FADICA



For Funders

Claim and edit funder profile

Knowledge Center

Amplify - view projects needing funding

Limited to view 3 funders search results


$199/ Annually

or $49/ monthly

All the features of the free plan


Find potential funding partners

Save lists of funders

Best Value

Introductory Subscription


For Funders

Claim and edit funder profile

Knowledge Center

Amplify - view projects needing funding

Limited to view 3 funders search results

Standard Subscription

$199/ year

or $49/ month

All the features of the free plan


Find potential funding partners

Save lists of funders

Frequently Asked Questions

The Catholic Funding Guide has helped Catholic organizations connect with funders for more than 35 years. The Guide is a project of FADICA (Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities), the leading philanthropic peer network serving as a catalyst for a vital Catholic Church, Catholic ministries, and the common good.

The 1,800+ funders in our database have a history of supporting Catholic organizations with a wide variety of causes, from social services to education to evangelization and beyond. We regularly add new funders, continuing to expand the connections available to our subscribers.

We obtain our information from a variety of sources, most notably IRS 990 filings. We also have direct relationships with funders who provide their information directly to the Catholic Funding Guide. Many of the funders in the Guide do not have websites, and some are difficult to find through public sources such as Form 990s.

The Catholic Funding Guide is a great way for funders to connect with great Catholic organizations, expand your reach, cut down on grant applications that are not a good fit, and grow your funding network.

Funders can claim their profile in our funder database to provide grantseekers with updated contact and grant information. Providing updated information helps grantseekers determine if and how to reach out or submit a proposal. It also enables funders to search for other funders who may be interested in partnering.

Amplify is a feature of the Catholic Funding Guide designed to streamline the connection between funders and grantseekers. Grantseekers post projects in need of funding, and funders search and review projects for ones that match their interests. Funders can then communicate directly with grant seekers who post projects on Amplify.

Catholic organizations submit projects in need of funding. Funders can search by area of interest, location, and more. Amplify can automatically email you when a new project aligns with your interests. When funders identify a project of interest, they can reach out directly to the organization for more information, or to invite them to apply for a grant. 

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