For Grant Seekers

When it comes to a grantseeker’s relationship with a funder, breaking up is hard to do (and can hurt the mission). How do you win back lapsed donors, and when should you stop trying? What do you do…
Fundraising for a Catholic school is challenging work. Among the difficulties is knowing when and how to look for grants, and understand how grant seeking should fit into your overall fundraising strategy. This blog post will help you determine…
We are excited to share some upgrades that are now active in the Catholic Funding Guide! …
Operating support is hard to ask for and harder to find. From creating a strong budget to fundraising and grant seeking, here are some top tips for securing operating support when you need it most. …
There is an ever growing need for safeguarding policies (also known as abuse prevention policies) at the organizational level—including charitable organizations and nonprofits. Based on information from FADICA’s Safeguarding Initiative, this blog post explains what safeguarding is, why you…
Do you believe any of these common grant seeking myths? Find out the facts so you can tackle your next grant proposal or fundraising strategy with confidence. …
Faith based organizations have long been at the heart of the nonprofit sector, yet grant seeking remains a challenge. Why is that, and what can be done about it? This blog post shares our top tips for faith based…
One common challenge that users of the Catholic Funding Guide encounter is finding a foundation that looks like a perfect match for their cause… only to see that applications are “by invitation only.” …
Proverbs 16:3 – “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.”   The Difficulties of Fundraising for Small Nonprofits Fundraising with a small team (or no team at all) is no easy task. There are several factors…
The Catholic Funding Guide allows you to search for grantmakers who may be a good match for your organization and mission. Here, we share some of our top tips for getting the best search results as you look for…

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