Knowledge Center

Resources to help you increase your fundraising capacity and further your Catholic organization’s mission.

Paper that shows a chart with the headings "Myths" and "Facts"

12 Common Grant Seeking Myths

Do you believe any of these common grant seeking myths? Find out the facts so you can tackle your next grant proposal or fundraising strategy with confidence.

Catholic Philanthropy

Should Funders Have a Formal Grant Application Process?

During COVID, many funders began to change their approach to grantmaking, shifting to become more open and flexible vs formal and structured in their giving patterns and application process. If you are rethinking your grant application process, make sure you weigh these key considerations to make the best decision.


How Faith Based Organizations Can Find Grants Faster

Faith based organizations have long been at the heart of the nonprofit sector, yet grant seeking remains a challenge. Why is that, and what can be done about it? This blog post shares our top tips for faith based and religious nonprofit organizations looking to find funding faster.

Using the Guide

How to Find a “Side Door” to Invitation Only Funders

One common challenge that users of the Catholic Funding Guide encounter is finding a foundation that looks like a perfect match for their cause… only to see that applications are “by invitation only.”

Using the Guide

New Subscription Plan for Catholic Funding Guide 

The Catholic Funding Guide is implementing a new subscription plan, including a new Professional plan and an updated pricing structure.  On December 19, 2022, the

Catholic Philanthropy

Should Catholic Funders Consider Unrestricted Grants for Nonprofits?

The topic of unrestricted grants, and whether funders should provide them, is a longstanding debate in the philanthropy sector. This blog post covers common issues surrounding unrestricted grants for nonprofits in the hope of sparking better communication between funders and grantees.

Focused Philanthropists considering a startup nonprofit's proposal
Catholic Philanthropy

Funding for Nonprofit Startups: Is it Worth the Risk?

Funding a nonprofit startup can be an exciting way to support a cause that matters to you. Startup teams often have fresh, innovative approaches to societal challenges, and a strong drive to carry out their proposed solutions. At the same time, supporting a startup nonprofit does carry some risk. Here are key points to consider to determine if this is a worthwhile pursuit for you and your philanthropic goals.

Using the Guide

How to Search Amplify for Optimal Results

Are you dissatisfied with the grant proposals you’ve been receiving? Would you like the opportunity to fund a project that makes a significant impact and adheres to Catholic social teaching? Instead of waiting for grantseekers to come to you, you can now search for them with Amplify. Here, we share our tips on getting the best results on the platform as you search for your next project to fund.

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