Get to Know the Funders Featured in the Catholic Funding Guide

Learn about the types of funders featured in the Catholic Funding Guide and the detailed information provided in the Funder Profile page.

The Catholic Funding Guide contains profiles of more than 2,000 funders with a track record of funding Catholic organizations and projects. New funders and updates are added monthly to provide you with the latest information.


Types of Funders

93% Foundations

The Catholic Funding Guide directory is comprised primarily of public and private (family) foundations. Most of these foundations are required to report their charitable giving to the IRS through the Form 990-PF, which is the public information that forms the basis of the funder profiles.

However, the unique feature of the Guide is the inclusion of many Catholic funders that may be more difficult to find through most public sources. Just as many U.S. Catholic nonprofit organizations are not required to file Form 990 with the IRS due to their designation as a ministry of the Catholic Church, the same waiver applies to many Catholic grant-making organizations, such as those affiliated with religious orders or dioceses.

Funding Request Process

45% Open Process

Slightly less than half (about 45%) of the funders in the Guide are currently employing an “open” application process for funding requests. Understanding how a funder accepts requests for funding will help you to develop a strategy for cultivating new funder prospects.

Location of Funders

97% U.S. Based

All 50 states are represented by funders in the Guide, though it is important to note that many funders support organizations outside of their geographic area. The map below reflects the number of funders located in each state. 

Map of funders by state

The Funder Profile


After you conduct the search on the “Find Funders” page in the Catholic Funding Guide, each result is linked to the funder’s online profile page with an overview of the funder’s focus areas, giving history, funding request process, and contact information.

Funder Profile Summary

Grants Awarded

The “Grants Awarded” tab provides a listing of the funder’s most recently reported grant awards. A review of this list will help you to better understand the type of organizations the funder has supported in the past, as well as the range of dollar amounts awarded.

Did you notice a community partner on the list? Perhaps they could introduce you to someone at the foundation to begin a new relationship. This is especially helpful for foundations who do not accept unsolicited requests.

List of grants awarded

Board Members

This tab provides access to the funder’s list of board members to see if there is a connection to you, your organization, or a mutual contact. This information may be used to cultivate a new relationship with a funder, and may be especially helpful with funders who do not accept unsolicited requests.  

List of Board members

Bookmark Your Best Prospects

Reviewing all of the information on a funder’s profile page allows you to determine if a funder may be a good fit for your prospect list. To flag a funder for future reference, just click the “Bookmark” button at the top of the funder’s profile page and a link to the page will be saved to the “Saved Funders” section of your dashboard.

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For more than 35 years, the Catholic Funding Guide has connected thousands of Catholic organizations and institutions with funders such as private foundations, church-based grant programs, foundations sponsored by religious communities, and donor advised funds.

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