How to Write a Top-Notch Project for Amplify

Subscribers to the Catholic Funding Guide have access to Amplify, a feature that allows grantseekers and funders to connect via projects. Grantseekers can post projects in need of funding, and funders can search projects in their interest areas. They can communicate with each other directly using the contact information provided.

A project is a chance to make a strong first impression with potential funders. You want to catch their attention and put your project in the best light possible. We’ll walk you through what you can expect when you enter a project in Amplify, and how to make the most of this opportunity. 

Project Name

Be concise yet descriptive in the Project Name. It should convey the general idea of your project in just a few words. When a funder searches for projects, this is the first thing they will see, so it is important to have a clear and appealing name for your project.

Three Sentence Elevator Pitch

In this section, describe your project in a succinct way. In these few sentences, you should communicate your answers to the following questions:

  • What is the problem you wish to address? 
  • What is the change you are trying to realize?

Your pitch might sound something like this: 

Over 30% of the children in Our School District are at risk for hunger. During the school year, these children rely on the nutritious breakfasts and lunches they receive at school; however, over the summer break, many of these children do not know when or where they will get their next meal. Our Feed the Hungry project will provide breakfasts and lunches to the hungry children in Our Neighborhood so that every child has access to the nutrition they need to grow healthy and strong.

Amount Requested

Give careful consideration to the amount requested. If a funder is interested in your project(s) and invites you to apply for a grant, they may request additional information about how the funding will be spent, so it would be wise to have a budget in mind ahead of time.

Outcomes or Milestones

This is the area that may contain the most detail. Be sure to include SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals that will make for easy reporting. 

For example:

During summer break, we will distribute 2,000 meals to children who are at risk for hunger in Our Neighborhood.

Interest Areas

Mark the relevant interest areas for your project. You can mark as many as are relevant.

Populations Served

Mark the relevant interest areas for your project. You can mark as many as are relevant.

Geographic Focus

Mark the relevant interest areas for your project. You can mark as many as are relevant.

Organization Information

  • Name
  • Mission Statement
  • Annual Budget
  • Date of Founding
  • Tax Status
  • Whether you are in the Official Catholic Directory

Your Contact Information

This section is extremely important. If a funder wishes to learn more about your project, they will reach out to you with this contact information.

That is all that is needed to create a project in Amplify. Short and simple.

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