Category: Reports

Agents of Awakening: A Review of Anti- Human Trafficking Activities at U.S. Catholic Colleges and Universities

Human trafficking – the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit human beings through forced labor, involuntary servitude, or sexual exploitation – is a staggering crime against humanity and requires a multi- pronged response from all sectors of society. Faculty and students at U.S. Catholic colleges and universities are among those organizations engaged and active in the fight against human trafficking, particularly as galvanizing participants in promoting awareness and inspiring engagement and action.

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Catholic Social Innovation in Today’s Global Refugee Crisis

Despite a rich history of innovation within the Catholic community, there has not been a systematic review or analysis of social innovation within the Catholic philanthropic world. Inspired by the recognition that Catholic ministries are creatively harnessing social innovation for those on the margins, and the fact that this combination of faith in action and innovation for others is not well known, Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA) launched a three-year initiative to examine Catholic social innovation.

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Managing Governance Change in PreK-12 Catholic Schools

Managing Governance Change in PreK-12 Catholic Schools

This report reveals the key findings of a recent qualitative study conducted to address those questions, including a “Governance Change Cycle” planning tool with which bishops, superintendents, principals, pastors, and board members may utilize in their strategic planning discussions.

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A Call to Impact and Solidarity in the Wake of Ebola

The report provides an overview of the Ebola crisis and the international response in the three countries hardest hit by Ebola, and describes a Catholic approach to resiliency. It argues that Catholic health networks — as part of the faith-based health systems comprising up to a third of health care delivery in these West African nations — are uniquely equipped to contribute to the ongoing response and rebuilding effort, and critical to community resiliency.

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