Category: Catholic Philanthropy

Should Funders Have a Formal Grant Application Process?

During COVID, many funders began to change their approach to grantmaking, shifting to become more open and flexible vs formal and structured in their giving patterns and application process. If you are rethinking your grant application process, make sure you weigh these key considerations to make the best decision.

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Focused Philanthropists considering a startup nonprofit's proposal

Funding for Nonprofit Startups: Is it Worth the Risk?

Funding a nonprofit startup can be an exciting way to support a cause that matters to you. Startup teams often have fresh, innovative approaches to societal challenges, and a strong drive to carry out their proposed solutions. At the same time, supporting a startup nonprofit does carry some risk. Here are key points to consider to determine if this is a worthwhile pursuit for you and your philanthropic goals.

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Multigenerational family walking on the beach

How to Create a Culture of Giving in Your Family: Ideas for Catholic Philanthropists

Many Catholic philanthropists—whether they have a family foundation or not—have grappled with the question: how can I involve my family in philanthropy? This blog post discusses ideas on how to involve younger generations in family giving, incorporating examples from “The Next Generation of Catholic Philanthropists: Inspiration and Ideas for Engagement” from FADICA.

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How to Build Great Relationships with Grantees

Funders and nonprofits need each other to do good. But sometimes, a harmful power dynamic can emerge and the relationship becomes unbalanced in the grantor’s favor. This can damage trust and close off future opportunities for good work, among other problems. How can you build a healthy partnership with the nonprofit organizations you financially support?

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